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Thread: The Division: Hack Improvements || Suggestions / Bug Report

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Lightbulb The Division: Hack Improvements || Suggestions / Bug Report

    Hello dear AJ-Team,

    I have some serious problems with the Division hack and would like to have them solved before I buy a full membership for it.

    First of all.. the "bugs". Especially the aimbot is horrible. There is way too few features to the aimbot. In a PvE / PvP game like The Division, where it happens ALOT that there is 20 NPC and players around you, in all angles, we really really need more features for the aimbot. When you dont want to look like a extreme hacker turning around like crazy shooting everything, the aimbot is pretty much unusable right now in most scenes. The "hitable" check is horrible, many many times he shows enemies red, but they are actually 100% behind solid cover and you cant shoot them at all, and also MANY times they stand right in the open, very easy to see and shoot without the hack, but the aimbot thinks he is not hitable / behind cover. This combined with the missing features, makes it very very hard to use many times in the game. Because he is switching around all the time, shooting random stuff, not hitting most of the time.

    So.. to sum it up, please improve the aimbot, alot! Its plain bad how it is right now, sorry to say that, but its the truth.
    Then, I would like to suggest Item ESP. Not for items itself, but for Boxes, Pickups, etc., that are hard to see in the game and have no marker, or only when you walk really close to them.

    Everything else is fine, dont want much more from the hack. But only if you fix that aimbot .. And please add more usual options. Angle limitation / fix (only aim at certain FOV, like 30,60,180, etc.) - Lock on target - Only target certain distance, only target certain enemies (bosses, named bosses) .. etc.

    Well, thats it for today. Hope you will do something about the hack :-) ! Thanks.


  2. #2
    The Division: Hack Improvements || Suggestions / Bug Report
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    I have tested this recently for a week, intensively through 2 accounts to see what can be detected easy and what not.
    Silent aimbot is a good addition but it doesn't always do what it was supposed to do.
    Lots of times it totally doesn't understand that if I am targeting NPC 2 feet away from me, it should fire there, instead it shoots the NPC far in the back that can case easy AC detection.
    Bone selection should be hardcoded differently. Let me give you an example how I would divide it (this will be understandable to devs only):

    // _bone_link:
    // Reference
    // AITrajectory
    // Trajectory
    // TrajectoryEnd
    // Hips
    // Spine
    // Spine1
    // Spine2
    // LeftShoulder
    // LeftArm
    // LeftArmRoll
    // LeftForeArm
    // LeftForeArmRoll
    // LeftForeArmRoll1
    // LeftHand
    // LeftHandMiddle0
    // LeftHandMiddle1
    // LeftHandMiddle2
    // LeftHandMiddle3
    // LeftHandMiddle4
    // LeftHandRing0
    // LeftHandRing1
    // LeftHandRing2
    // LeftHandRing3
    // LeftHandRing4
    // LeftHandPinky0
    // LeftHandPinky1
    // LeftHandPinky2
    // LeftHandPinky3
    // LeftHandPinky4
    // LeftHandIndex0
    // LeftHandIndex1
    // LeftHandIndex2
    // LeftHandIndex3
    // LeftHandIndex4
    // LeftHandThumb1
    // LeftHandThumb2
    // LeftHandThumb3
    // LeftHandThumb4
    // LeftHandProp1
    // LeftElbowRoll
    // LeftArmCloth
    // LeftShoulderPhys1
    // Neck
    // Neck1
    // Head
    // HeadEnd
    // Face
    // Jaw
    // LeftLowerLip
    // LeftLowerInnerLip
    // LowerLip
    // LowerInnerLip
    // RightLowerLip
    // RightLowerInnerLip
    // Tongue
    // TongueTip
    // Chin
    // LeftLowCheek
    // RightLowCheek
    // LeftEye
    // LeftIris
    // RightEye
    // RightIris
    // LeftUpCheek
    // LeftUpInnerCheek
    // RightUpInnerCheek
    // RightUpCheek
    // LeftCheek
    // RightCheek
    // LeftMouth
    // LeftInnerMouth
    // LeftMiddleCrease
    // LeftUpperLip
    // LeftUpperInnerLip
    // UpperLip
    // UpperInnerLip
    // RightUpperLip
    // RightUpperInnerLip
    // RightMouth
    // RightInnerMouth
    // RightMiddleCrease
    // LeftUpEyelid
    // RightUpEyelid
    // LeftLowEyelid
    // RightLowEyelid
    // LeftInnerEyebrow
    // LeftOuterEyebrow
    // RightInnerEyebrow
    // RightOuterEyebrow
    // LeftNose
    // RightNose
    // LeftCrease
    // RightCrease
    // LeftLowMiddleEyebrow
    // RightMiddleEyebrow
    // LeftLowEyelidCrease
    // LeftLowOuterEyebrow
    // NoseTip
    // RightLowOuterEyebrow
    // LeftMiddleEyebrow
    // RightLowMiddleEyebrow
    // RightLowEyelidCrease
    // LowNose
    // HeadCloth
    // Throat
    // Spine2Phys1
    // Spine2Prop1
    // RightShoulder
    // RightArm
    // RightArmRoll
    // RightForeArm
    // RightForeArmRoll
    // RightForeArmRoll1
    // RightHand
    // RightHandMiddle0
    // RightHandMiddle1
    // RightHandMiddle2
    // RightHandMiddle3
    // RightHandMiddle4
    // RightHandRing0
    // RightHandRing1
    // RightHandRing2
    // RightHandRing3
    // RightHandRing4
    // RightHandPinky0
    // RightHandPinky1
    // RightHandPinky2
    // RightHandPinky3
    // RightHandPinky4
    // RightHandIndex0
    // RightHandIndex1
    // RightHandIndex2
    // RightHandIndex3
    // RightHandIndex4
    // RightHandThumb1
    // RightHandThumb2
    // RightHandThumb3
    // RightHandThumb4
    // RightHandProp1
    // RightElbowRoll
    // RightArmCloth
    // RightShoulderPhys1
    // Wep_Root
    // Wep_Trigger
    // Wep_Slide
    // Wep_Grenade1
    // Wep_Grenade2
    // Wep_Mag
    // Wep_Mag_Ammo
    // Wep_Mag_Extra1
    // Wep_Scope1
    // Wep_Scope2
    // Wep_Belt1
    // Wep_Belt2
    // Wep_Belt3
    // Wep_Belt4
    // Wep_Belt5
    // Wep_Belt6
    // Wep_Belt7
    // Wep_Belt8
    // Wep_Belt9
    // Wep_Belt10
    // Wep_Bipod1
    // Wep_Bipod2
    // Wep_Bipod3
    // IK_Joint_LeftHand
    // IK_Joint_RightHand
    // Wep_Physic1
    // Wep_Physic2
    // Wep_Physic3
    // Wep_Physic4
    // Wep_Physic5
    // Wep_Extra1
    // Wep_Extra2
    // Wep_Extra3
    // Wep_Extra4
    // Wep_Extra5
    // Wep_Aim
    // LeftSpine1Phys1
    // RightSpine1Phys1
    // LeftUpLeg
    // LeftUpLegRoll
    // LeftLeg
    // LeftFoot
    // LeftToeBase
    // LeftToe
    // LeftLegCloth
    // LeftKneeRoll
    // LeftHipsRoll
    // LeftUpLegCloth
    // HipsCloth
    // LeftHipsFrontPhys
    // LeftHipsBackPhys
    // LeftHipsSidePhys
    // RightUpLeg
    // RightUpLegRoll
    // RightLeg
    // RightFoot
    // RightToeBase
    // RightToe
    // RightLegCloth
    // RightKneeRoll
    // RightHipsRoll
    // RightUpLegCloth
    // RightHipsFrontPhys
    // RightHipsBackPhys
    // RightHipsSidePhys
    // CameraBase
    // CameraJoint
    // Connect
    // ConnectEnd
    // FacePosesAnimation
    _bones_lock 1
    // add hitbox:
    // _bone_hit <name> <H> <W> <D> <X>
    // command ignored if h/w or d is 0/empty
    _bone_hit LeftArm 0.29 0.06 0.06
    _bone_hit RightArm 0.29 0.06 0.06

    _bone_hit Spine2 0.227 0.16 0.14 0.075
    _bone_hit Spine1
    _bone_hit Spine 0.25 0.19 0.16

    _bone_hit Hips 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.05

    _bone_hit LeftForeArm 0.34 0.04 0.04 0.02
    _bone_hit RightForeArm 0.34 0.04 0.04 0.02

    _bone_hit LeftShoulder
    _bone_hit RightShoulder

    _bone_hit LeftHand 0.125 0.042 0.025 0
    _bone_hit RightHand 0.125 0.042 0.025 0

    _bone_hit LeftUpLeg 0.41 0.085 0.075 -0.01
    _bone_hit RightUpLeg 0.41 0.085 0.075 -0.01

    _bone_hit LeftUpLegRoll
    _bone_hit RightUpLegRoll

    _bone_hit LeftLeg 0.44 0.075 0.07 0.01
    _bone_hit RightLeg 0.44 0.075 0.07 0.01

    //all below - around the head

    _bone_hit Head 0.25 0.085 0.10 0.09
    _bone_hit Neck 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.05
    _bone_hit Neck1

    _bone_hit Face
    _bone_hit LeftEye
    _bone_hit Spine2Phys1

    //_bone_hit Wep_Aim 0.01 1 0.01
    // link bone with hitbox:
    // _bone_link <bone> <hitbox>
    _bone_link HeadEnd Head
    _bone_link LeftLegCloth LeftLeg
    _bone_link LeftFoot LeftLeg
    _bone_link RightLegCloth RightLeg
    _bone_link RightFoot RightLeg
    _bone_link LeftUpLegRoll LeftUpLeg
    _bone_link RightUpLegRoll RightUpLeg
    _bone_link Spine1 Spine
    _bones_lock 0

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